About Me

Hello! I am Siddhartha Pratap Singh, a Game and Graphics Programmer from India.

I studied at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India with a B.S. in Chemistry as my major. I was the Group Leader of IITK's game development club: Studio Centauri.

My introduction to Game Development was in early 2020. Since then, I have developed various games using Unity and Godot, gaining specialization in Game and Graphics Programming.

I also did a summer internship at ShareChat in 2022 as a Graphics Engineer Intern. I have now graduated from IITK in 2024 and I'm currently looking for job opportunities.

Favorite Games:
Fallout: New Vegas, Disco Elysium, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, Mass Effect 2, Final Fantasy IX, Stardew Valley and Civilization V.
Other things I like:
Rock Music, Movies, Anime/Manga, Quizzing, and basically anything pop culture.
Siddhartha Pratap Singh
Ex-Group Leader, Studio Centauri, IIT Kanpur
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength" - Iroh
Professional Projects
  • GameDev Society, IITK
    Game Programmer and Designer
    Split screen platformer game made in Unity for Inter IIT Tech Meet 11.0 problem statement by IGDC. Led 10+ members in the production of the game and coded the stomp, dash and map morphing mechanics.
  • GameDev Society, IITK
    Graphics Programmer
    OpenGL API, GLFW
    C++, GLSL
    Lead mentor for a summer project on Real-time computer graphics and shader writing. Designed an improved version of the OpenGL renderer project and overhauled code for user-friendly experience.
  • GameDev Society, IITK
    Game Programmer and Designer
    Mystery detective game made in Unity for the BYOG Game Jam 2021. Oversaw the remote production of the game, developed the dynamic camera system, input manager and designed the narrative beats.
  • PBR
    Stamatics, IITK
    Graphics Programmer
    Scene renderer written in C++ to render scene data into image. Based on the Physically-based rendering model, used pathtracing to render scenes and implemented lighting using BRDFs such as Phong model.
Self Projects
  • Self-project
    Isometric Tactics RPG inspired by games such as Final Fantasy: Tactics. Includes designer tools for level generation, scriptable objects for characters, custom pathfinding implementation for grid traversal and refined turn-based flow.
  • Self-project
    Collection of pixel shaders written in GLSL hosted on ShaderToy. Uses custom functions such as Perlin, fractal, voronoi noise, etc. to generate complex shader effects.
  • Self-project
    OpenGL API, GLFW
    C++, GLSL
    3D renderer written in C++ utilizing the OpenGL API. Implemented a Scene system to faster debugging of features. Scene shader use the Blinn-phong shading model for lighting primitives and models.
  • Self-project
    Pathfinder utilizing the A* algorithm for finding the optimal path on a 2D map between a start and target node. Grid gets rendered to show the grids and the path taken.
  • Self-project
    Noise generation library written in C++ using stb_image for rendering images. Allows generation of random noise, perlin noise, octave noise and creation of 2D color maps.
  • Self-project
    Metroidvania/platformer game made in Unity as part of Fall Game Jam 2020. Developed 2D character controller, smooth camera, modular room system and used primitive art assets.
  • Self-project
    Dungeon-crawler game made in 1 week for the Brackey's Game Jam 2020.02. This was a solo project with the various components such as time reversal mechanic, dungeon design and low poly artwork being made from scratch.
Work Experience
  • Graphics Engineer Intern
    May 2022 - July 2022
    Worked as a Graphics Programmer to enhance the Shutter engine with 3D model loading solutions, redesigning the existing mesh rendering classes in core codebase
    Employed the Open Asset Importer Library (ASSIMP) as a vendor submodule and integrated in Shutter for seamless model loading
    Developed custom rendering solutions using GLFW for enhanced visual representation resulting in faster Proof of Concept (POC) prototyping
    Successfully integrated ASSIMP POC into Shutter as a Linux executable module, enhancing the engine capabilities and improving compatibility across systems
    Resolved compilation and runtime errors overhauling the Shutter code using platform feature flags, optimizing the Design Studio Tool
  • Group Leader
    April 2021 - April 2022
    Shortlisted for the position of Group Leader of Game Development Society, IIT Kanpur also known as Studio Centauri
    Spearheaded a 4-member team with 25 secretaries in planning and conducting 10+ lectures and workshops on advanced topics in GamDev such as Procedural Generation, Lightning Shaders, etc.
    Coordinated with the SnT Core Team in conducting SnT Summer Projects 2021, facilitating 70+ mentees on topics such as Intro to GameDev, Art, Design and Advanced GameDev
    Supervised the society secretaries in producing and designing 14+ projects in team over a constrained 3-weeks deadline
  • Student Guide
    October 2020 - July 2021
    Shortlisted by the Counselling Service, IITK to act as a Student Guide for Y20 fresher batch
    Personally guided and mentored 5 Y20 freshmen students, helping them acclimate to the Institute environment during their online semesters
    Helped them with their academics and provided holistic support by arranging regular meetings with their mentors while maintaining a good rapport with them
    Coordinated with the Counselling Service and helped in organizing the online Orientation Ceremony 2020 for Y20s
  • Languages
    • C
    • C++
    • C#
    • Java
    • Python
    • GLSL
    • HTML/CSS
    • JavaScript
  • Engines + Software
    • Unity
    • Godot
    • Blender
    • ShaderToy
    • Android Studio
  • Utilities + Libraries
    • Linux
    • Git/Github
    • CMake
    • OpenGL
    • WebGL
    • ImGUI
    • Jekyll
  • Fields
    • Game Programming
    • Graphics Programming
    • Shader Writing
    • Game Design
    • Worldbuilding
  • Academic
    • Secured All India Rank (AIR) 5012 in JEE Advanced, 2019
    • Secured All India Rank (AIR) 2507 in JEE Mains, 2019
    • Secured Rank 47 in UPSEE, 2019
  • Competitions
    • Participated in GMTK Game Jam 2020
    • Participated in Brackeys Game Jam 2020.2
    • First position in Fall Game Jam 2020, IITK
    • Participated in BYOG Game Jam 2021
    • Participated in IGDC PS for Inter IIT Tech Meet 11.0
  • March, 2021
    Why and how prefabs/templates are used in Game Development
  • March, 2021
    Article showcasing various methods of implementing motion in games
  • Aug, 2020
    Devlog for the game, "The Tests" developed for Fall Game Jam 2020
You can contact me by going over the following links:-
If you want to get in touch, mail at: