Who Done It?
GameDev Society, IITK
  • Project Type:-
  • Engine Used:-
  • Languages Used:-
  • Target Platform:-
  • Role:-
    Game Programmer, Designer

A mystery-detective game made in a 9-membered team as part of Studio Centauri, the game development society of IIT Kanpur. The game developed for BYOG Game Jam 2021, a 3-day game jam organized by the Gamedev.in, a community of Indian game developers. The theme of the game jam that we used was “2 views”.

Who done it? is a detective game where you dig into a murder case with differing point of views. There are 2 major witnesses of the murder, both of which tell a different story. You have to look for clues, listen to witness testimonies for said clues and piece-together what truly happend that fateful night!

Word done as part of the developed process included:-

  • Design of the murder event, clues, witnesses, testimonies and the methods of interacting with the crime scene.
  • The input manager allowing player movement by clicking on the game map. Player AI moves with the help of Unity’s NavMesh system and traverse the scene. Click on a witness to initiate dialogue and click on a clue to inspect it.

if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && canClick)
    Ray mRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
    RaycastHit hit;
    if (Physics.Raycast(mRay, out hit, maxDistance, layerMask))
        if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Ground")
        else if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Witness")
            canClick = false;
            dialogueNPC = hit.collider.gameObject;
        else if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "clue")
            canClick = false;
            clueObject = hit.collider.transform.gameObject;
            Vector3 point = hit.point;
            point.y = 0;
            playermovement.MoveToTarget(point, true);
  • The Camera system for the dialogue window and the clue inspect window. The cam view shifts when the player accesses the witness’s testimony to look at the witness. Dynamically change the camera rect for the dialogue window to focus on more the conversation and show.

// Shift camera view
Vector3 direction = lookObject.transform.position - player.transform.position;
Vector3 desiredForward = Vector3.Lerp(transform.forward, direction, moveFactor);

Vector3 up = Vector3.up;
Vector3 forward = desiredForward;
Vector3 right = Vector3.Cross(up, forward);
up = Vector3.Cross(forward, right);

Vector3 desiredPos = player.transform.position +
    forward * dialogueOffset.z + up * dialogueOffset.y + right * dialogueOffset.x;

transform.position = Vector3.Lerp(transform.position, desiredPos, moveFactor / 2.0f);
transform.forward = Vector3.Lerp(transform.forward, 
                    (lookObject.transform.position - transform.position).normalized, moveFactor);
// Alter the aspect ratio
Vector2 currentRes = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);
Vector2 targetRes = currentRes;
if ((dialogueAR.x / dialogueAR.y) > (currentRes.x / currentRes.y))
    targetRes.y = (targetRes.x / dialogueAR.x) * dialogueAR.y;
    targetRes.x = (targetRes.y / dialogueAR.y) * dialogueAR.x;

Vector2 offset = ((currentRes - targetRes) / currentRes) / 2.0f;
offset = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(Camera.main.rect.x, Camera.main.rect.y), offset, moveFactor);

targetRes /= currentRes;
targetRes = Vector2.Lerp(new Vector2(Camera.main.rect.width, Camera.main.rect.height), 
                        targetRes, moveFactor);

Camera.main.rect = new Rect(offset.x, offset.y, targetRes.x, targetRes.y);
  • After dialogue with a witness, their corresponding event will be added to the Events UI. The player will be able to access events based on the event and try to formulate a chain of events which took place. By choosing the correct events, the player will complete the game.